The following checklist is intended as an aide-memoire for designers prior to sending encrypted files for production. It is a summary of the steps required to ensure the files are production-ready as well as that they can be safely transmitted in full.

PDF Files (Macintosh format file)

For the PDF files for single/spread pages, with 3mm bleeding on all sides: define overprint settings before distilling from application files to PDFs.

The color mode must be CMYK, grey tones and bitmap for color pictures,
Resolution:   300-400 dpi (images)
  1000 – 1200 dpi (line art)
  Total ink density – 300%

Overprint - To avoid knock-out black type and rule in tint color, please select black color Overprint. Black objects have to print over the other color.

PDF files must be saved by Acrobat Distiller 8.0 or higher and all the fonts are embedded. Make sure that Acrobat Distiller is set to the "Press" option, and convert RGB images into CMYK before creating the PDF files.

Before sending out the data disk, please ensure all the fonts, images, logo and working files are provided. Please use FLIGHT CHECK for checking the disk if possible.

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